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  • Writer's picturejustinenazworth

Personal Mission Statement

In the beginning of this Master’s program, we were required to submit a personal statement that revealed what career goals we harnessed and hoped to achieve after graduation. I started out my journey wanting to use my degree to become an online instructor. Teaching has always been an area of interest for me. I love the idea of helping to shape and expand the minds of our future generations. However, through my journey, I have come to realize that my dream career is any career that will allow me to be of service to others. I have considered careers in neuroscience, clinical and/or counseling psychology, teaching, and social work. Social work, however, is what has held my interest since about the halfway point of this degree program.

I really started to consider this path after speaking with my son about a boy in his class who was in foster care with a family that was clearly struggling to uphold their duties and responsibilities. According to a number of sources, including my son’s teacher, this family only housed foster children for the financial gain. This little boy was often unbathed, hungry, without bare essentials (e.g., toothbrush and toothpaste), and his clothes were often too big or too small for his body. I felt my heart break a little more each time I saw him, or when my son would come home and tell me how defeated and exhausted his friend seemed that day. I soon realized that I wanted to be a part of the solution to cases like this, and more than just sending in extra snacks, socks, winter items and clothes that my son no longer wore, etc. Becoming a social worker just seemed like the next natural step towards this goal. I hope to make the world a little less harsh for clients in this position. That may sound cliché, but we were never meant to live life in a constant state of turmoil. I hope to bring peace, justice, and happiness to many people and families in this career position.

Social work is said to be one of the most rewarding career paths, but also one of the most challenging. I suppose it is a good thing that I love a good challenge! Other qualities that I bring to the table include strong self-awareness, empathy, great active listening skills, compassion, impressive persuasion skills, the ability to cooperate and coordinate effectively with others, strong organizational skills, and much more. I believe my purpose in life was to heal the sick and wounded. This is a position that will afford me that opportunity tenfold.

While I would start out at an entry level position, as I have never worked within this career sphere, I believe as time passes I will climb the corporate ladder and become a source and advocate for change. It is no secret that our system is extremely flawed. Many innocent children and families fall through the cracks and suffer needlessly. I hope that my role within this profession will evolve with time in such a way that I can be a major part of mending these cracks and paving a better way for how cases are overseen and managed.

The work that I hope to do is important because it endeavors to enhance the well-being of all people through the meeting of basic human needs. However, it is a way for me to help and empower those who are vulnerable, poverty stricken, and living a life entrenched in oppression. Not only will I be committed to the “case,” but also the “cause.” Through helping individuals, I will also be pursuing and advocating for social reform. This is something that is critically necessary. My work will be important for cultivating a better tomorrow…and hopefully a kinder future.

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